(Brand New Start) 2

A few months ago, I posted Brand New Start that was about my relocation to the Queen’s land and my first relocation ever. Not had I know that the second (and soon the third) relocations will be comng this quick. Had I known this afore, I shouldn’t have mentioned it at all over the blog. But since I did the first time, I think the trend should continue.

This time, I left my home (Karachi, Pakistan) and my home away from home (Manchester, UK) for …… of all places in the world….. (c’mon make a guess)…….. Ibadan, Nigeria! Yes, Nigeria in Africa!

Now at this moment, don’t make think you are just opening google maps in the neighbouring tab of this blog window and wondering, ‘Ibadan? What’s, I mean where is this place?’ I won’t blame you if your geography is not that good enough to know where this shanty slum-like third largest town of the south-western Nigerian state of Oyo is. Like who would know? I didn’t, not until I came here and found out that this is a big city 128 km inland northeast of Lagos and the place where my Company thinks they needed me. Like, hath my luck!! Ibadan?? After Manchester, Ibadan? Oh no!! Hell yeah!

At first I was given an option to either stay back in Manchester or return to Pakistan, but the thought of having a REAL African safari, work wise, was too tempting to ignore. After a quarter of year spend in pondering which assignment to take, before I could get in terms with my decision, I was on a place, bound for Lagos and full of Indian and Lebanese businessmen in the Business class of Emirates. Now I wonder what they do there. Certainly, Shell & Mobil don’t ask just the Asians to come and work here in the Deltas, As we are as foreigners as any other fairer creature in the world (no offense). Later, I got to know what these men were investing in: Import of commodities meant as supplies for the thousands of Expats and (locals) living and working in Nigeria for the Oil companies and other corporate.

Now who would have thought that J2O or Kellogs or Lurpak or OldenBurger will be just usual home brands for an average household in Nigeria? Not me! But thanks to the revenues from petroleum, which constitutes over 80% of Nigeria’s earnings, production exceeding 2 million barrels per day, a big community of Expats (estimated at close to 100K), are all factors contributing to what is now locally called, Expat lifestyle. Just to give you an idea how grandiloquent this Country has become, Corporate tenants are willing to pay rent up to five years in advance and as much as $50,000.00 per annum for a three bedroom luxury Town House in Lagos or Abuja. So much so to keep the Expats happy.

Fact 1: Shell Trustees Estate in Maitama, Abuja: $47,000.00 per annum plus a 15% service charge for a three bedroom Town House

Fact 2: According to the annual Mercer Cost of Living Survey in 2009, Lagos ranks as the 32nd most expensive expat city in the world

Fact 3: For 90% of the Nigerian population, the cost of living and income, both are around $1 per day.

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