A Cat’s Nine Lives (or may be more)

“I left the woods for as good a reason as I went there. Perhaps, it seemed to me that I had several more lives to live, and could not spare any time for that one.”

                                                                        -Henry David Thoreau

            Many times I would find myself in a state of mass confusion. It was as if I had no perception of where I would go with my life. I was trapped in a realm of things which were unfamiliar to me. When I tried to experience these new adventures I ended up back where I started in a slow state of apathy and decay. New ideas and thoughts seemed impossible for me to grasp. It seemed that anything that was new to me was too much of a hassle. How could I move on in a positive manner in this state? At some moments in my life, all that I wanted to do was the same old thing over and over like a broken record repeating itself over and over until it wore itself out. But the last thing that anyone would want was to wear oneself out. So what is it that one desires?

            After every short while, I look for some inspiration from an unknown point.  I realize I would not succeed in this battle called life without some serious motivation. The only one who could help me was me.  I know that I’m not meant to do the exact same thing for the rest of my life, as from the inception, my nature wasn’t build so. Every time I indulged in something, soon its appeal would exhaust and I had to escape its bottomless pit and move on to the next adventure. I thought, “I had several more lives to live and could not spare any time for that one.”

            I then move on to another life. My “new” life is at times very hard to get used to, but is well worth the trouble. I begin trying new things and actually enjoy them. I realize now that I only have a short time in my life and I have to make a difference here, before I move on to the higher place. I need to speak my views and express my feelings. I need to have fun and work for what I believe in at the same time. Soon I will move on once again to a whole new realm of adventure and a whole new set of standards. These progressions are what are keeping me alive and will follow with me long after I have passed on.