Literal art…on sms

I understand that some of you might find it overrating to share sms’s on a blog, but I couldn’t resist putting this one up here. The quality comes for the spontaneity of the moment, as I was left totally speechless after that.

On asking a friend on text about how he felt about some individual, this is what he had to say:

“Try to understand a person as an individual of his own creed and never ever compare a being to another. There are people of some ilk, but not everyone is one…You just cannot ignore anyone for the sake of constancy…

Have you ever attended a painting exhibition?

People there don’t admire every piece of creation, they normally put their hands of appreciation on only a few…But ever asked the artist which one he thinks is tht best?..For him, everysingle creation is a masterpiece, with some special thing about every single piece, which the normal attendance fails to discover…

Same is the case with the beings, and the artist of these beings is the Artist of All, the Creator. No matter how you look, how you perceive, every single being is an individual that sets him apart from the rest, and that trait is at times the one which needs to be chanced upon”

Although it doesn’t answer at all what I wanted to know, but I think he coined it in really clear denotative terms 🙂 And yes, that was whole TEXTED! Word by Word. Copyright protected 🙂